Producing area: IGP Pays d\u2019Oc\n
\nGrape varieties: Cabernet Sauvignon. 70% from TERRASSE DU LARZAC, 30% from Cru PEZENAS
\n\nASTELIA is the top wine made by the owner of the French DPM Wine Group, Jean Claude Mas.\n
\nThe grapes are all selected from the best quality grapes in the eight estates of the winery.\n
\nFrom picking to brewing, from blending to ageing, every step is devoted to the wisdom and effort of the owner.\n\nThe name ASTELIA is a combination of the names of the owner\u2019s three daughters - Astrid, Elisa and Apolline. The wine label is a portrait of his three daughters created by a Southern French artist.\n\nASTELIA, the consummation of the nature and the wisdom of our winemakers. It is also a top-quality wine brewed by a father for his three daughters. It is a well-deserved jewel of Paul Mas!<\/p><\/div><\/div>\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t